Happy Easter to everyone in our school family!  May your hearts and minds be filled with  hope, peace and joy of this Easter season!



Hope never gives up.
Hope looks forward to better things… in the next moment…in the next hour …or the
next day.
Hope gives possibilities to new situations…and gives perspective to old ones.
Hope never reacts impulsively but always thinks things through…
Hope is the child of wild imaginings…of fresh beginnings…
It is impossible to suppress hope forever.
• It searches.
• It seeks.
• It is restless until it finds peace.
Hope springs from the need for change.
And with change comes the possibility of new directions.
• Hope always inspires new dreams.
• Hope encourages us to keep going when the going is difficult.
We cannot live without hope.
And knowing this, God became hope…in the life of
and Resurrection of Jesus.
Like hope, God never gives up…on us.

CLIP: ‘What is hope?’ A poem by Vineet Bansal. A short inspirational poem. (time:
1.04 mins)

PRAYER: Lord, thank you for the gift of hope. You sent us Your Son Jesus so that we
could all experience hope through his Resurrection and in the Good News of the
We pray for all people who struggle to have hope in their lives. May they experience
the gift of hope and be transformed to be beacons of hope for others.

Ó GR8 Prayer Enterprises Pty. Ltd. Website: www.prayers4gatherings.com

2013-03-28T11:30:52+00:00 28th March 2013|