Enrolment 2024-05-30T12:03:44+00:00

Enrolment Information

Welcome to St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna.

Thank you for considering our school for your child’s education.

We are a Catholic Integrated School that welcomes Preference Enrolments and Non Preference Enrolments. 

You are welcome to complete an enrolment form online and submit it, including the attachments as listed below. Your child’s enrolment will be considered once the enrolment form, along with the required attachments, has been received. All students are initially placed on a waiting list and then notified as to their placement when one becomes available.

As part of the enrolment procedure we invite parents to make an appointment to meet the Principal. Please contact Lizzy Thoresen, secretary@sj.school.nz, and she will arrange a meeting time for you. This will be an opportunity for the Principal to meet you and take you on a tour of the school. This meeting needs to occur following the completion and submission of the required enrolment document and before the enrolment will be considered for acceptance.

Preference Enrolment

The Education and Training Act 2020 (section 26) states that “the children of parents who have a particular or general philosophical or religious connection with a State integrated school must be preferred to other children for enrolment at the school”. Parents may apply for preference enrolment for their children and the decision to accept enrolment is made using the nation criteria listed on the Preference Enrolment Certificate.

Non-Preference Enrolment

State integrated schools may also have limited places for non-preference students. At St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna, we have a maximum roll of 585 pupils and can therefore accept up to 29 non-preference students.

Non-Preference Criteria:

a) The applicants accept that they will be attending a school of Catholic character and that their place in the school is conditional on their participation in the programme and ethos of the school.

b) The applicants accept that they will be required to pay attendance dues as set by the proprietor and these are not voluntary,

c) Assuming the conditions of Notes a & b above have been met, the following priority order for enrolling non-preference applicants will be applied:

  1. Siblings of non-preference students already in the school
  2. Children of staff members
  3. Siblings of former non-preference students
  4. Non-preference students coming from another integrated school with the same Catholic Character
  5. All other applicants

d) Where there are more applicants than places available within the same priority category, the following factors will be taken into consideration:

  1. Attendance of siblings at a secondary integrated school with the same Catholic Character
  2. Student living within the St Joseph’s Takapuna Parish area
  3. Parents of students working within the St Joseph’s Takapuna Parish area
  4. Students and their parents not living or working in the St Joseph’s Takapuna Parish area

A ballot will be held if the number of applicants meeting these priority criteria, exceeds the spaces available

e) Non-preference students who cannot be enrolled immediately, may choose to be placed on a waiting list which is sorted in order of the priority conditions described above.

Enrolment Form – Online

Pre Enrolment Form Documentation – Have these documents in a digital PDF format ready to upload when completing the online enrolment form.

Please do not submit the online enrolment form until you have all of the required documentation ready to upload at the time you apply online. Without the documentation, the application will be deemed incomplete.

  • Baptism Certificate (Preference Enrolment Only)
  • New Zealand Birth Certificate OR Passport
  • Child’s passport showing their current residency status for nationalities other than New Zealand
  • If not a New Zealand citizen, copy of your child’s Resident or Student Visa 
  • Preference of Enrolment Form signed by a Parish Priest from the Auckland Diocese. (Preference Information Sheet  


You are welcome to contact the school office should you require any further information.

Phone: (09) 489 4994

Email: secretary@sj.school.nz