Health Forms

Each child will have brought home their personalised Health form on Tuesday . Please check this carefully and make any adjustments as required. Please sign or initial the bottom of the form and return it [...]

2025-02-12T08:10:08+00:00 12th February 2025|

School Closed February 6th & 7th

Just a quick reminder that school will be closed tomorrow, February 6th for the Waitangi Day holiday. School is also closed on Friday, February 7th for a Ministry of Education Curriculum Day which the teachers [...]

2025-02-05T08:37:20+00:00 5th February 2025|

Fun Filled Week Ahead

Monday 12 August Book Character Day On Monday, we have our book parade beginning at 9:15 am. Children come dressed up as their favourite book character. All whanau are welcome to join us.  Tuesday 13 [...]

2024-08-11T17:26:14+00:00 11th August 2024|

Dental Van Visit

The Dental Van will visit St Joseph’s Monday 6th May – Friday 17th May in term 2.   The van is aiming to see the furthest back overdue children and those also deemed high needs [...]

2024-05-06T09:13:47+00:00 6th May 2024|

Colour Run White Day / Sports

COLOUR RUN WHITE DAY - Friday 5 April 2024 Students do not need to wear uniform tomorrow. They can wear their white clothes for the colour run ALL DAY SPORTS We invite your teams to register [...]

2024-04-04T09:51:02+00:00 4th April 2024|

Sports Notice

We invite your teams to register to play Netball and Hockey for St Joseph’s Primary School in Terms 2 & 3. Reminder – Registrations close at 9 am on Thursday 28 March 2024. HOCKEY - [...]

2024-03-22T10:32:57+00:00 22nd March 2024|

Additional bus service

This to advice that starting from Monday the 19th Auckland Transport will be putting an extra S047 service for Morning and afternoon to help with the current capacity issue . The morning 047 will depart [...]

2024-02-16T14:45:27+00:00 16th February 2024|
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