16 lucky students were selected…

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Marty Martinengo is the Junior Rugby Sportsmanship Convenor for North Harbour and observes junior teams for sportsmanship throughout the rugby season culminating in the annual junior rugby sportsmanship awards. This is a role Marty has done since 1989 and he is stepping down from the role after 25 years.

Marty is a volunteers in junior rugby and has been nominated for the 2013 NZRU Volunteer of the Year and as part of the NZRU Rugby Awards, SkyTV asked to take some footage of Marty in this capacity.

As rugby is finished for the season  St. Josephs school was asked to participate in creating a mock rugby game with Marty performing his role.

So 16 lucky students were selected and will hopefully appear on  NZRU Rugby Awards to aired on SkyTV on December 5th

2013-12-03T09:34:34+00:00 3rd December 2013|