Week Six Term One

Week Six began in our usual way with Prayers in the Hall led by Year 6 students who told us the story of the Transfiguration. We welcomed a host of lovely new entrants for Rooms 12, 14 & 15.

Athletics Day was a great success, as I have mentioned elsewhere, thanks to the marvellous efforts of so many people. Thank you to the parents and companies who lent us Shade covers which came in very handy. Fortunately the temperature did not rise excessively.

Chocolate selling is going very well and thank you to Gill Taylor and team for co-ordinating this. We are aiming to purchase sports equipment, some of which has already been ordered…in expectation! We are also looking at modernising the netball uniform, initially for the older players. If there is any firm out there which would be interested in sponsorship, I would be happy to hear from them.

Netball trials have been occurring this week, thanks to Helen Doyle and Team.

Year 4 students (Rooms 3 & 4) with their teachers and a whole host of Parent Helpers, plus an expert from Watercare NZ, traipsed off to Lake Pupuke, armed with containers and nets and testing kits,  to discover the scientific mysteries contained there.

On the same day Rooms 7,8 & 10 – Kakapo Team- turned into artists and appreciators of  art when they visited the Art Gallery;  they also spent time in Albert Park being discoverers during a treasure hunt time. Thank you to another host of parents for supporting this expedition.

Meanwhile back at school, two different science groups were working with Mrs Thomson..one group investigating flight, another looking at different types of rocks and what they can find out about their properties using observations and experiments.

Our school has joined a cluster of  some schools on the Shore to really work hard to ensure that Te Reo Maori and Tikanga Maori become stronger in our schools. The initiative is called Te Reo Tuatahi. Part of this initiative includes professional learning for the teachers and Jess Burton and Kathryn France spent a day recently involved in this learning. We are also employing a Maori Language Assistant who is working with different groups from Years 4-6 every Monday morning. Soon he will start introducing some Te Reo, for the whole school to learn and practise, after morning prayer each Monday. His name is Hone Harrison.

Thank you to all who have responded to the Pastoral Care and Well being Survey. It is open until Tuesday afternoon, if you haven’t done so and want to have your say.

Patuone House Family Mass is this Sunday at 10.00 a.m. at St Joseph’s. All families are welcome. If the cyclone is a s bad as expected, then that  may upset the apple cart! Hopefully, it will have passed by and have not had a disastrous effect.

Monday 17 is St Patrick’s Day and children are invited to “Go Green for Caritas” which involves wearing green (mufti) and bringing a gold coin donation for the Caritas Lenten Appeal.

Stay safe. Have a lovely weekend.

Ka kite ano




2014-03-14T15:13:01+00:00 14th March 2014|