Week Four Term Three

#L2L  Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s

In the words of Guy Claxton:
Education is a preparation for the future
for life, not just for university or work
for all, not just for some
The future is complex, challenging and uncertain
work, technology, globalisation, leisure…
Therefore, 21st century education should prepare all young people to deal well with uncertainty
to be confident, capable and enthusiastic learners and explorers

One of the Principles of the New Zealand Curriculum is “Future Focus”.

“The  NZ curriculum encourages students to look to the future by exploring such significant future focused issues as sustainability, citizenship, enterprise and globalisation.”

Here at St Joseph’s we know that our children need to learn reading, writing and mathematics, to know about their faith and how to practise it, to develop their physical skills, to explore the world of the arts, to explore and find out about the physical and natural world and so on. However, we also have to prepare them for a changing world that is complex. Our children need to be helped to develop skills to develop with uncertainty and change, to be resilient, to see different points of view, to be able to work with all different kinds of people, to be able to question and think deeply and to be able to take risks in their learning.

Modern Learning Environments

In July last year, this information was published in the school newspaper. For those who missed it and for those new to our school, please read the following:
Some of you will have watched Campbell Live on TV3   when there was a programme on modern learning environments in New Zealand schools. If not, I suggest that you view the clip (see link below). Our school is moving in this direction. We have already introduced flexible furniture more suited to modern day learning. When our building programme is completed, within the next year or so, we will be looking at totally different environments from the ones we have now. By viewing the clip from Campbell Live, you will have the opportunity to learn about what is happening elsewhere and why this is so.  Happy viewing!


There is also an archive site:

http://www.3news.co.nz/TVShows/CampbellLive/CampbellArchive.aspx?filtdt12089=0   (Goes by month and back at least a year)



The feast of the Assumption is celebrated on 15 August. It is a Holy Day of Obligation.

We believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary was taken (assumed) body and soul into heaven at the end of her earthly life. Mary’s Assumption is a sharing in the Resurrection of her Son and an anticipation of the resurrection of others.

The older children will be joining the parish at 9.15 Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption.

Have a great weekend. Stay well.

God bless!

Ka kite ano


2014-08-15T12:34:58+00:00 14th August 2014|