Newsletter Week One Term Two 2016

Our  Living and Learning Focus continues as


Our School Values are

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

Lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

The Learning Model for our school is: “To Know To Do To Use”

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L

The Road to Emmaus

The scarlet rowan trees and golden birch blazed like flame, bits of orange rock flew up in my ragged shoe. The air felt thick and humid with each breath I took. My mouth was as dry as sand as I talked to Cleopas. The dusty trail seemed to never end. Drips of sweat slithered down my face from the blazing sun. Cleopas and I were talking about things that had happened.

In the faint distance something caught my eye; a man loomed in the dark shadow of the hill. The hooded figure asked if he could join us on our journey. Cleopas and I were having a conversation about Jesus. The outsider interrupted and questioned, “Who is this Jesus?”

My mouth dropped. “You don’t know Jesus? We will tell you all about him.”

When we got home, the stranger was about to head off, but Cleopas halted him and insisted, “You’re more than welcome to stay.”

We had a meal and our friend broke the bread, and we knew that this was not just a friend. It was the Messiah.
By Jack Mac HG1 Kakariki Team 


An Invitation!


Monday May 16th

 Image result for catholic schools day 2016

Come and discover what is happening at our school.

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We would like to invite all parishioners of St Joseph’s and also our grandparents to our Catholic Schools’ Day Mass on Monday 16th May 9:15 am, followed by morning tea in the staffroom and a tour of learning in our school.


Thank you to Mrs Bon and all the children and their families who came along to represent our school and took part in the Anzac Parade and Service in Takapuna.


Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century


Many of the ideas and strategies that we are developing at St Joseph’s are influenced by thinking, research, expertise and practice that organisations such as CORE Education provide. For those of you who are interested in the way education is developing and changing, I have inserted some reading into our newsletter for your information.

 The extract below is taken from Core Education May Newsletter.

(“CORE Education Ltd (CORE) is a world-class professional learning and development, and consultancy organisation. CORE has a strong desire to transform education, and strives to push the boundaries of educational possibility by providing future-focused professional learning and development, ICT innovation, events, consultancy, thought leadership, and scholarship programmes that stimulate educators and learners across all sectors.”)   

CORE Education’s Ten Trends 2016

“Each year, CORE Education’s experienced staff of researchers, educators, and digital technology experts pool their expertise and combine their understanding and evidence of the ways that digital technologies are influencing all aspects of education. The result is CORE’s list of the ten trends that are expected to make a growing impact upon education in New Zealand in the coming year. We have again focused our trends around five categories or key areas of change, and for each we have chosen two trends to describe and illustrate.”


Learning to Learn

Experiments Galore


This week was full of surprises and fun for Kakariki Team. Kakariki Team has been involved in a specialised scientific program involving sound, machines and electricity. We have enjoyed building things and experimenting.


Home Group 1 banged away with hammers all day making catapults to show how levers work. Home Group 3 plucked rubber bands to discover how sound waves move through the air and how this can affect the pitch. Home Group 2 learned about the use of electricity.


We all have enjoyed a fun and productive week of learning through experimenting and discovery.


Ginger V from Home Group 3 proclaimed that her favourite sound experiment was the Musical Straws because “I get to make lots of noise and it is fun.”


Mateo R and Jack Mac from Home Group 1 decided that the best machine experiment was Catapults because “It is challenging and you have to use your brain.”


Jillian A   from Home Group 2 announced that her favourite electricity activity was making circuits because “It really pushed me to my limits and made me think outside the box and look at things from a different perspective.”
By Aoife M HG3 Kakariki Team School Reporter

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Science Shock!!!

This week HG2 was learning about electricity and circuits. First of all we learnt about torches and what is inside. We had to investigate all of the parts and how they work. We also observed what would happen if you did not put it together correctly. The next day, we learnt about all the different kinds of circuits like: an open circuit, a closed circuit and one with a switch. We enjoyed connecting them. We also learnt about different sources to power up the circuits. It was really challenging and it really pushed us to work harder. Next we learnt how to strip wires and use insulating material with crocodile clips for safety purposes. We really liked that type of science. We learnt to write circuit diagrams after that. We had such a great time challenging ourselves and trying new things.

By Janine O School Reporter and Jillian A Assistant Reporter HG2 Kakariki Team

(For photos see newsletter attached to The Week Ahead)


Welcome to our new students and their families!

Ryan and Jaden in Kea Team

Ryan and Jaeden

Kate and Jonas in Kakariki Team

 Jonah and Kate

Our New Entrants in Kiwi Team

May New Entrants

Filia, Manuel, Isla, Lucy, Merlin, Josieann, Bianca, Aurielee, Neave, Holly

Here they are trying out the new swing!



Retreat Day with focus on the Holy Spirit and The Eucharist

Children preparing for Confirmation and First Eucharist, plus many of their classmates, experienced a retreat day on Thursday as a way of helping to make the occasion extra special.


They were involved in prayer times, practising the practical details, dance, drama, fun games and singing.



We wish blessings on all the children from our school and Parish who are being confirmed on Saturday and receiving their First Eucharist. We pray for those who will receive these sacraments in their own parishes later on and for those preparing for baptism.



Happy Mothers’ Day to all our wonderful mothers. Thank you for the difference you make to your families, our school, to our country and, in fact, to the whole wide world. Your contribution is immeasurable!


CONGRATULATIONS to our school leaders!


Special Character House Sport
Maia T

Jillian A

Sophia Z

Ryan S

Simon P

Conor S


Ned J  ,Logan C, Ginger V


McAuley: Kate S,  Emily H, Reuben P



Skyler A, Kyle P

Olivia M




Dominic P, Teuila Mac,

Riley T, Mateo R


Fletcher B, Thomas J, James M



Todd S, Benji McC



Jorja S, Keegan K, Cavell C



Quin K R,Charlie M Noah J, Jack Mac


Aoife M, Janine O



Sam M

James T,



Reichen, Sylvie T, Olivia W,  Nathan S, Bien Amiel, Reuben, Theo, Jorja, Cheska, Teuila


Shereen B, Cheska L, Joel V, Gabriel Barrion, Rosie L, Theo J



Emily,  Nathan Snow, Rein, Gihasha,

( plus 10 others)


Chess Co-ordinator:

Nadia B


Hall Chair Organiser:


Matt O’B, Codie

Riechen B,




From this term onwards, there are 5 (3 more than previously) classes from Rosmini using the old Rooms 5 & 6 and Rooms 17 & 18 (Junior Block) and one room in the former Senior Block. We are helping Rosmini out because of issues with unavoidable delays in their building programme.


Ka kite ano!  Have a wonderful weekend.





2016-05-08T15:41:29+00:00 8th May 2016|