Religious Education in the Classroom

In Religious Education, during the last six weeks, our children in all classes,  have been   learning about Jesus.

Please take the time to look in your child’s classroom and to talk to them about what they have been learning about.

Many of our lessons have led us to talk about attitude and our mercy values in connection with Jesus.

Helping at Home

One of the things that we all do on a daily basis is make the sign of the cross at prayer time. Sometimes it can look a little like we are swatting flies or quickly washing our face. We need to stop and reflect on the gesture we make as it contains powerful symbolism with the Trinity. It is a prayer in its own right and by taking the time to do it well we  are identifying with generations of Christians.

So please take the time to go over it with your child.  This can be in English or your own native language.

As a school we would like to competently pray it in various languages, alongside Maori and English. 

Please look out for further information on how you can  help us with in future newsletters. Feel free to offer your assistance to your class teacher.


2014-03-28T16:02:23+00:00 28th March 2014|