Our Living and Learning Focus for Term 4


H2O Friend or Foe



Our School Values, which we are all aiming to live by, are

Tika Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

Lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

The Learning Model for our school is: Learning to Learn #L2L

 “To Know To Do To Use”

Special Catholic Character

COMMUNION OF SAINTS – Te Kotahitanga O Te Hunga Tapu

Throughout their years at Primary School, when learning about  the Communion of Saints, children will gain and apply knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to understand:

  1. the Communion of Saints as the Church – the living and the dead
  2. whakapapa – genealogy as relating to te whanau a te Atua – family of God
  3. Mary, Mother of God, her life and her significance in the life of the Church
  4. the Saints and other inspiring people, including people in Aotearoa New Zealand
  5. the sanctity of life, the mystery of death, loss and suffering from a hope-filled Christian perspective
  6. the Christian belief in judgement and life after death and their relationship to the everyday choices

Each year, a different aspect of this BIG CONCEPT, is broken down to focus on one main aspect e.g. the focus of the learning for Year 4 is:

  1. the meaning of Te Wa – the journey of life from a Christian perspective
  2. developing understanding of the relationship between the choices people make every day and life after death


St. Joseph’s Community – Generous Giver

By: Janine Orjalo


This term our school took part in Operation Christmas Child – a project that delivers gift-filled shoeboxes to children who don’t normally get Christmas presents. A lot of us have tried really hard to bring in toys, stationery, soaps, hairclips and other things they might want to give away. The list is endless!


Imagine if nearly every year you don’t get a Christmas present. I would be devastated. Well, this is probably how the kids feel. But if we give them something simple from our modern lives, for example a stuffed toy, they’re going to be like the happiest children in the world! If you think about this, we’re very blessed to have the lives we have now.


We have raised 80 boxes this year and maybe we can do better next year.

Operation Christmas Child



We have achieved this with…


Ms. Natasha Luxford

Home Group 13 Teacher

Kiwi Team

St Joseph’s School

…and a group of students who helped her!


Welcome to our new entrants for Term 4 and their families

and to their teacher, Clara Lee!

Violet O’Neill, Jachin Tagimacruz, Frian Penna,

Maddy Allen, Mishal Maiquez, Victoria Burns

 Violet Jachin Frian Maddy Mishal Victoria


Our children at play

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Community of Learners

Our Community of Learners, (CoL) consisting of St Joseph’s, St Mary’s, St Leo’s, Stella Maris, Carmel College and Rosmini College, has been officially approved by the Ministry of Education.

Ms Chris Allen, Principal of Carmel College, has been appointed as Lead Principal of this Community of Learners.


Holly Hatcher was a great Principal of the Day last Friday. I hope the photos will appear in next Friday’s newsletter. The whacky Hair Day was a great success with some inspirational and creative hairdos!



God bless!


2016-11-08T15:21:48+00:00 8th November 2016|