Newsletter 2019/8 – March 18


2019/8 – March 18


This morning at school prayers I talked to the students about how we are all in God’s Family. God’s family includes those in our own families, people in our school family, people of New Zealand and people of the world.

I also talked about the importance of prayer in our daily lives. As a school community, prayer is an important part of our day. We pray each morning to begin our day. At lunch time we give thanks for our food and at the end of the day we give thanks for the day we have had at school. I reminded students that they can pray at any time of the day and their prayer can be one of thanks or one in which they ask God for help, for themselves or for others.

This morning the teachers met to pray for those involved in, and those impacted by, Friday’s tragedy in Christchurch. I shared with the teachers ways in which they could support their students over the coming weeks should any questions arise.

Central to supporting our students is listening to them, responding honestly to their questions, while remembering that these come from a child’s perspective, not an adult’s. We are aware that each family has spoken to their children about this tragedy to varying degrees. Teachers are to support the students through their day at school and will be encouraging them, should the need arise, to talk through any concerns with their parents. I visited the home groups through the day, checking in with the teachers, and there have been no concerns raised to date.

Our school will be supporting the Christchurch families through prayer. Prayer is significant to both the Muslim and Catholic faiths. We encourage all families to take time through the week to pray as a family for the Christchurch families and the greater Christchurch community.

Should you have any concerns regarding your child please contact their teacher.

God bless.

Alister Bridgman



We have reviewed the school’s lockdown procedures. These are the key points that we would like to remind our parent community:

  • Lockdowns can be activated by the school or by the police. If activated by the school, police will be informed.
  • In either case the police are in control and will be directing the school as to what to do.
  • Communication to parents will be by etap and through the school website at regular intervals.
  • Parents are not to come to school until advised by the school/police that the lockdown status has been lifted.
  • All student devices will be shut down as a safety precaution.
  • We ask that parents do not contact the office during a lockdown in order that phone lines are available for communication between the school and emergency services.
  • Food and water will be available for students in their learning area should it be required.

We appreciate that a lockdown would be very stressful for all parents. In order that teachers and staff are able to focus on looking after all the students through such an event it is essential that parents follow the points raised above.

Tuesday March 19

In light of the tragic events on Friday March 15, the NZEI Union has postponed the Paid Union Meetings for Teachers and Principals that were planned for this week. Consequently, our school programme will be as per normal on Tuesday 19 March.

Students are expected to be at school all day.

2019-03-18T15:17:33+00:00 18th March 2019|