Dental Van Visit

The Dental Van will visit St Joseph’s Monday 6th May – Friday 17th May in term 2.


The van is aiming to see the furthest back overdue children and those also deemed high needs and may not be able to see all children whose parents have requested an appointment on the van.

We will be working off a priority list and will try our best to accommodate requests only where possible, so we can make sure our time in the school is utilised to see the most overdue children as efficiently as possible. We will usually contact parents of children planned to be seen on the dental van prior to the visit.

If your child requires dental treatment in the interim, please contact Glenfield Dental clinic on 444 6160 or if it is for emergency treatment ring 0800 825 583

2024-05-06T09:13:47+00:00 6th May 2024|